Cara Tarbaj from Wishpond wrote an interesting list of phone numbers in philippines article (in English) on this very topic. Here are some tips for creating a truly effective personal trainer landing page: Let's start with the ads on Google Ads (or Facebook Ads) Emphasize your unique selling point within your ads . Think about which words would make your ad more clickable than others. Is it a special offer? Will those who sign up be entitled to exclusive bonuses? This same concept must be clear and present within your landing page. It is essential that there is coherence between the ad and the landing page. Focus on urgency when writing your Google Ads (or Facebook Ads) descriptions.

A couple of examples that express this concept are: “get results now” or “only for a limited time”. Don't forget to use location targeting (in your ads) so you can have an audience concentrated near where you work. The most important features of a landing page for personal trainers One of the most important aspects of a landing page is the Call To Action (CTA) or invitation to action . It must be clear to the visitor what operation he must perform, for example, filling out the form with his data and telephone number. The entire page must be focused on achieving this single objective.