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Website Redesign and Redesign or Web Design Trends 2018
1. Gradients
2. Video with soundtrack
3. Virtual reality (practically)
4. Even more parallax effect
5. Very simple home pages
6. New implementation of site japan whatsapp number list navigation
7. Tactile web design
8. Neutral color palettes

9. Wearables will impact web design
10. Unique fonts
Website Redesign and Redesign or Web Design Trends 2018
Read about design trends 2020 in a new series of articles. TOP 8 trends in graphic design 2020.
1. Gradients
This trend, which has been out of sight for the last few years, is back with a bang. The principle remains the same, but the implementation has changed.
Initially, gradients in website design were unobtrusive and rather modest, and the first example of the upcoming trend was Apple's iOS logo. Now, gradients have become larger, more obvious, and more colorful.
The most popular technique right now is to use a two-color gradient over a photo. This technique can give a stunning result for a website redesign. It is also a great way to make an unremarkable photo more intriguing. It can also be used to draw attention to a section of the site that lacks visual identity.
Website Redesign and Redesign or Web Design Trends 2017
2. Video with soundtrack
Today, people have the ability to watch videos (ranging from short YouTube clips to full-length films) on their mobile devices. Corporate websites can take advantage of this and offer users the ability to watch full-length videos with sound right on their home page (and not necessarily in autoplay mode).
But here you need to be careful. The development of the website design must necessarily provide for the option to turn off the soundtrack, as it will not be useful to all users. The video must be truly stunning so that users want to listen to the soundtrack to it. And remember that the video can only work great if the video sequence and the soundtrack are perfectly combined with each other.
Website redesign and redesign or web design trends 2017 photo
3. Virtual reality (practically)
This is one of the most talked about design trends in 2017-2018. A lot of VR devices have entered the market at a fairly affordable price, which means that it is firmly entering our lives. Many gamers will be the first to try it out, but it will most likely penetrate into marketing and other areas.
And you need to be prepared for this. Moreover, you need to be prepared to offer users a virtual reality experience without additional equipment. For example, 360-degree videos and all sorts of 3D effects. Anything that takes user interaction to a new level will create a sense of virtual reality and will keep up with the times. This is a great trend to use if you are planning a website redesign.
Website Redesign and Redesign or Web Design Trends 2017 Example
4. Even more parallax effect
The parallax effect was trending last year and it won't give up its positions this year. It will become more impressive and will lead to new use cases.
Look for effects that move up rather than down, and more layered designs. Realism will be the key to all effects in the new year, and the more believable and natural they appear, the more users will want to use t