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Make an irresistible Title tag

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 8:56 am
by roseline371277
It doesn't matter where your content is ranked: if the title you've placed is quality and attractive enough, the user is likely to click through to find out more.

Although one of the golden rules is not to exceed 65 characters because the search engine can cut words and this is not convenient , it is also a good idea to search for keywords before publishing anything.

Keep in mind that in SERPs, 8 out of 10 users will click on a area code philippines mobile particular title, if it is attractive enough for them.

The same goes for emails. Have you ever noticed that you open an email if you think the subject line is inviting? Either because the subject line is funny or so personalized that you can't stop reading it.

The same thing happens with banners or certain advertisements: if the message is clear, relevant and convincing, it is difficult to resist.



It's hard to make a decision about what to watch on Netflix, but even though this headline is in fourth place in the search results, it's perhaps made more compelling by the inclusion of a number in it or the mention that it's from this year, 2019.

So, using tools like Buzzsumo to get started on your search for the perfect headline is one option, but so is doing your own Google searches and analyzing the top spots in the SERP.


In either case, you must do the following:


Imagine you enter “eCommerce trends” as your search term and hit search.
Look at the top-performing headlines and ask the following questions:


What do these titles have in common?
Can you improve any of them?
Can you make a template to create your own from them?

As you can see, what these headlines have in common is that they all feature the year 2019, and the third-highest performer has the number 8 in front of it; the challenge is to be even more convincing or use a tone of urgency.


One way to create a template from them is:

X number of trends that you should apply to your eCommerce before the end of ______ (year).


Step 2: Create a great Meta-Description
Have you noticed that almost everything needs a description on the Internet to fully convince us?

Just as an Instagram image becomes mind-blowing with a breathtaking caption, so does a meta description with a headline.

Although these descriptions may not be the trigger for climbing the rankings, the truth is that they can help you obtain a good CTR and improve opening rates.

The main recommendation is that these meta descriptions should not exceed the limit of 155 characters so that they can be read comfortably.

To create a great meta-description, there are some techniques to consider:


Answer the question: If you can answer the big question that the user is initially asking when searching for something on Google in those characters, your click-through rate will improve. Look at the following example:


Make it strong, but important: the more specific you are with the keyword your audiences are searching for in the first place, the more relevant your meta-descriptions will be and the more clicks your content will get.