Being from empathy
In our lives we are in constant relationships, relationships with people, environments, emotions, ideas and challenges. We are often in relationships, and as much as we would like to isolate ourselves from reality and remain indifferent to the constant dynamics of life, this would not be possible.
From the self, I am immersed in another different from me who will australia business email list always add something new to my experience of being. Reality in relation will always have a reaction, conscious or unconscious, that affects being.
The awareness of being and the continuous becoming of being, enriched by the understanding that gives reality, name and memory to those encounters with that other different from me, awakens in the self an experience that adds novelty to my awareness of being being.
constant participation; we participate in myth, in history, in science, in society, in the life of others, etc. Yes, we participate by the mere fact of being in the world/cosmos, but are we being protagonists? Are we being a conscious influence? Are we being with others and conscious of others? Are we being or are we simply being without more?
The challenge of our being in Simon is precisely to be a protagonist, a positive and reflective influence, aware of the other and the effects we can generate. Participating in society, history and the other, generating a desired transformative impact that benefits the different actors in the relationship.
Furthermore, our being in Simon challenges us to be from empathy, “without affection there is no effect”, in such a way that our relationship with others must be conscious, close and sympathetic; our relationship with people, environments, emotions, ideas, challenges, in short, is carried out from the protagonism, with a determined desire “a society that builds itself. Where companies and organizations are protagonists of their own development and that of their community”.
Being from empathy gives value to our professionalism, moreover, it makes us gallant of the self and of the other, being promoters of the we.