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The production environment

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 8:24 am
by poxoja9630
This simulates the load coming from multiple concurrent clients, each traversing the list of URLs in its own random order, to create some unpredictability. Once all threads have completed, run_test()shows the average request time for each request URL, as well as an average of all requests combined, which is the metric I decided to use for my analysis. The command line arguments allow me to pass the server root, API key, request start and end dates, and concurrency. With these commands, I can test different scenarios. The test script is now ready, so it's time to get some indicators! Testing on the development system The development system I'm working on is a Mac laptop with 6 hyperthreaded cores and 16GB of RAM.

The production environment for this dashboard is a Linode virtual server whatsapp philippines number with 1 vCPU and 2GB of RAM. From my past benchmarking experiences, I know that the results of a fast system are not always the same as those of a slower system. So my ultimate goal is to test the production system and make decisions based on the results obtained on that platform. But before that, I wanted to run a first series of practical tests on my laptop to make sure that the test script worked correctly, but also because I was curious to see how these two databases behaved on a fairly powerful platform.


The testing methodology I decided to use is as follows: test the system running under both databases, for queries with periods of one week, one month, one quarter and one year, with all queries having 01/01/2021 as the start date; repeat the tests with 1, 2 and 4 concurrent clients; for each individual test, run the script three times and record the best of the three; and use the total average of all queries as a metric. With this plan, I achieved 24 data points (2 databases x 4 query periods x 3 concurrency levels). The following graph shows the response time for PostgreSQL (blue) and SQLite (red), with a single client.