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Email Marketing: Don't send before reading!

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 6:23 am
by shukla9966
In fact, it is the media that still yields the best results. The ROI of well-done campaigns reaches 38 to 1, according to Hubspot . However, there are A LOT of people doing it wrong! So, before you press SEND on your email campaign, please read this post!

If you already work sending a large amount of emails and running optimization experiments, read the post about Growth Hacking techniques for growing your company. However, the focus here is different.

First of all, you need to be aware that email is extremely personal and has been considered the main task that people perform on the internet. And today, anyone who doesn't have a smartphone is seen as an alien or eccentric, right?

Another figure that proves this importance is that 54% of all email list providers in france are opened on cell phones and tablets and 81% of people say they use their cell phone first to open their emails, even before using it as a telephone! Data also according to Hubspot material.


So, the first tip I give you is this: Why are you sending an email campaign? If it is only for the benefit of your company, you are already starting off on the wrong foot.

Email is an opportunity for one-on-one communication and relationships between your company and your prospect or customer . They will probably open this email on their cell phone while on the way to work, in traffic, or in the hallway between meetings. In addition, the email should be segmented for your persona and aligned with the stage of the buying cycle they are in.

In the two images below, we can see that CRM and email marketing are among the most cited technologies that help with customer acquisition and retention. However, a study by Econsultancy shows that only 4% of companies consider that they do an excellent job in this area. And email is so important because, unlike Google or Facebook, where you are subject to their changes, you have control.

email marketing.png

To organize the tips, I will divide this article into 4 main categories: Email Database, Segmentation, Design and Content, and Call to Action. In this first post, we will start with Email Database and in the second part, next week, we will talk about the other topics.

Email base
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If the first tip in this post was to send emails optimized for mobile devices, the second one is definitely:

Be careful who you send emails to!

Buying an email database is out of the question. I bet you've already considered this idea, right? This practice is not recommended because your emails need to have a clear purpose and objective. And to do this, you need to know the profile of the person who will receive your message.

Every digital business needs to be successful and speak to the right people at the right time. How can you send the right offer, appropriate to the moment in your customer or lead’s buying journey, if you have no idea where those emails came from?

Not to mention that this email database will pass through the hands of many people and this will generate an alert from the email servers that send emails to these addresses and you will probably be punished.

That's the business side of it, but there's still the legal issue of spamming people. For your email campaign to be successful, you simply need people to sign up to receive your emails and know what kind of message they're going to receive.

And of course, always leave open the possibility for people to unsubscribe if they no longer like the content of the emails you are sending. Finally, create your own email database through landing pages with a well-thought-out and qualified offer that is really worth it for people to leave their emails. This way, you won't have any problems and you'll also have information for the next topic of our tips, segmentation.