Unusual ways of non-material motivation

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Unusual ways of non-material motivation

Post by Maksudasm »

Office signal . Many companies use a gong or mini-bell to notify about important events. At Expertcity, the ringing means an important event, and unjustified use obliges to treat the team to breakfast.

Encouraging office romances : Japanese firm Nihon Shoken encourages employees to marry by offering monthly benefits to newlyweds.

Leave for "heart reasons ." Hime & Company, an all-female company, introduced leave for recovery after breakups, taking into account the age of its employees.

Workstation relocation : Hub Spot rotates the location of employees in the office quarterly, which helps maintain order and prevents complaints about working conditions.

Family lunches : Icelandic company OZ organizes joint lunches for employees with their parents, which strengthens the company spirit.

Corporate Choir . The indonesia phone data American bank Wells Fargo has created a choir of employees that performs at various events.

Anti-rating of employees . The VVN Group introduced a program to motivate lagging salespeople, obliging the worst to look after a turtle for a month.

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Mistakes in the implementation of a non-material motivation system
Let's look at the key mistakes in implementing non-monetary incentive strategies and methods for preventing them:

Lack of clarity and fairness : When employees do not understand the reasons for receiving non-material bonuses, this can lead to a decrease in motivation or dissatisfaction.

Overemphasis on competition . Excessive rivalry can create negative relationships and an unhealthy team environment.

Ignoring long-term goals of personnel development . Non-material motivation should promote professional growth, and not just short-term success.

Excessive supervision : It is important to respect boundaries and not to intrude unnecessarily into the privacy of employees.

Ignoring cultural context : In international firms, differences in cultural values ​​must be taken into account when developing approaches to non-monetary rewards.

To overcome the difficulties that have arisen due to the insufficiently effective use of non-material motivation of personnel, it is recommended to hold personal meetings with employees on a regular basis. This will help to understand their expectations and provide a clearer understanding of the goals and requirements.
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