For the owner of any website it is obviously very important that the contents are correctly examined by Google bots, because only in this way are they then proposed to users based on the classification that the bots themselves have made.
Every new site must check to see if it is on the general map of the internet and must therefore correctly report its existence to Google, so that it can then appear in the SERP. Once it is in the loop , new content is gradually examined, with a variable periodicity, by the bots unleashed by the search engines and thus added little netherlands phone number by little to the SERP when needed.
But you suddenly realize that something doesn't add up. Content that until recently was present and appeared in search results now not only no longer appears but is completely de-indexed by Google. In practice, the search engine and its bots ignore you .
A first test that must be done is obviously that at the robots.txt file level .
This is the file that tells bots how to behave. If for some reason the file has been modified, by you or someone else, there could be problems in managing the crawling of the content. But if the robots.txt file is still the same as the last time you left it, what are the reasons why you disappeared from the SERP?
Another cause could be a hacker attack that has hit you and transformed legitimate pages into content that Google no longer shows because it is dangerous. Attacks can manifest themselves in various ways: for example, a new category of posts that you did not add may have appeared or content that you know you did not write may have been published. In this case, the problem is a security flaw in your site at the dashboard level. Make sure you have at least one security plugin and change your login credentials, perhaps adding two-factor authentication.