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What is DNS Server?

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2025 9:17 am
Kubernetes is a container orchestration tool that is scalable, portable, and highly available. Kubernetes allows applications to be deployed quickly, scaled automatically, ensured high availability, and easy to manage. thailand mobile phone number However, Kubernetes has a complex learning curve and can be time-consuming to set up. However, the benefits that Kubernetes offers are worth the hassle for many businesses.DNS (Domain Name System) is a system that allows websites on the internet to be matched with IP addresses. Every device on the internet has an IP address, and these IP addresses are used by other devices on the internet. However, since IP addresses are difficult for people to remember, DNS allows websites to use domain names that are easier to remember.

A DNS server is a server that processes DNS queries and finds the IP addresses of websites on the Internet. DNS servers can be provided by your Internet service provider or a dedicated DNS service. DNS queries are usually routed from the user's computer or mobile device, and DNS servers work to find the IP address of the requested website.

DNS is very important for the proper functioning of the internet. DNS servers are necessary to direct traffic on the internet and provide access to targeted websites. In addition, DNS servers are also important for ensuring security on the internet. Therefore, the security and proper functioning of DNS servers are very important for the proper functioning of the internet.

DNS Server Setup on Linux Server
The Linux operating system is used as a server by many institutions today.

Step 1: In order to start the installation process, you must first log in to the server with root permission. Then, you can use the following command to install the "bind" package required for the DNS server installation:

sudo apt-get install bind9
Step 2: After the installation is complete, you can configure the DNS server by editing the DNS server configuration file “named.conf”. This file is usually located in the /etc/bind directory. You can open the file with the following command:

sudo nano /etc/bind/named.conf
Step 3: In the “named.conf” file, the IP addresses and domain names where the DNS server will work are specified. In the sample code below, it is specified that the DNS server will work at the IP address and the domain name “”:

options {