In the current reality in which we live, a BANI world, that is, fragile, non-linear, incomprehensible and anxious (see the article on the subject by clicking here ), it is impossible to dissociate learning and work. Continuous and lifelong learning is a necessity to deal with this scenario.
Learning permeates our work so essentially that the World Economic Forum (WEF) published in its latest report The Future of Jobs, in 2020, that one of the most relevant skills for the coming years is active learning.
It is active because simply receiving content does not mean learning. Learning occurs when there is an expansion of consciousness, a new vision or an improved version. Therefore, developing better strategies for learning and leading learning is the skill with the greatest demand in Brazilian companies and the second in the world ranking.
The report also brought other very significant data:
“For workers expected to remain in their jobs, the share of core skills that will change over the next five years is 40%, and 50% of all employees will need reskilling, upskilling and restructuring.” (The Future of Jobs Report, 2020)
“On average, employers expect to offer reskilling and japan email list upskilling to just over 70% of their employees by 2025. However, employee engagement in these courses lags behind, with only 42% of employees taking up employer-supported reskilling and upskilling opportunities.” (The Future of Jobs Report, 2020)
It is estimated that the minimum investment time required for this team upgrade is 6 months to 1 year.
Supporting upskilling
Considering this information, how can we support our team in this much-needed upskilling?
The WEF's recommendations for companies are:
∙ Review of job descriptions;
∙ Creating opportunities for skills growth;
∙ Adoption of new learning and development practices, so that individuals take ownership of their continuous learning journey.
Therefore, it is becoming increasingly important to go beyond training and provide conditions and structures that make it easier for people to create learning communities in the company, such as reserved space in the agenda for exchanging experiences and seeking new sources of learning. In this way, engagement increases, and it is even possible to design these communities to meet more specific organizational demands.
Your company already learns in the community
In reality, learning already happens in different ways within the organization. Each area ends up creating its own way of exchanging experiences, helping each other, transmitting information and techniques, integrating new members, and seeking upskilling, updating and constant improvement.
However, all of this occurs informally and formal, traditional attempts at corporate education have proven to be ineffective, particularly in relation to the leading role of learning.
Encourage your team to be a learning community
Some actions can encourage the creation of learning communities in your company:
∙ Promote a learning journey focused on learning how to learn;
∙ Invest in activating community ambassadors;
∙ Provide a digital learning environment that supports the process;
∙ Organize or plan the conditions so that active learning is easy, fluid and constant by inserting rituals into the daily work routine – similar to Daily Safety Dialogues (DSD), for example;
∙ Encourage the diversification of learning sources to include, in addition to content, experiences and relationships with people and networks;
∙ Map common interests and needs to foster small groups or research partners.
There is no doubt that reinventing T&D is an important demand in organizations and communities are an alternative and a trend that have been bringing excellent results.