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Get a deeper look at who’s visiting

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 9:52 am
by Liton920@
Understanding how qualified each of those companies is to become a customer. Once you understand the quality of traffic your marketing efforts drive, you can drill down into individual traffic sources and campaigns to diagnose and fix problematic sources. In our completely unbiased opinion, Leadfeeder is the best way for B2B marketers to gain access to that information—and for more than just the 2% of website visitors who convert in some way.

Using Leadfeeder, you can: View website visits and behavior at the account level. your website. Understand which campaigns and traffic sources drive each account to your website. quality traffic 1 Note: Want to track el salvador consumer email address traffic quality from all your campaigns and traffic sources but aren’t a Leadfeeder user yet? Sign up and try Leadfeeder free for 14 days. Using Leadfeeder to Track Traffic Quality and Diagnose Problem Sources Step 1: Set up Custom Feeds for your top traffic sources.

Based on your Google Analytics data, identify the top 3-5 sources of traffic to your website. For example, our screenshot below filters traffic coming from paid Google ads—but you might find that Facebook Ads or your email newsletter (or another source) sends the majority of your traffic. You’ll set up a Custom Feed in Leadfeeder to track each of these sources separately. quality traffic 2 This sample Custom Feed shows companies who came to the website from a Google CPC ad.