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How to install Google Analytics on your WordPress to measure and improve

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 9:14 am
by pappu6329
Do you know if you are doing things right with your website, your blog or your online marketing strategy?

If you hesitated when answering, you don't even know what I'm talking about, or you answered this question with a resounding "no"... you have a problem.

You are not measuring or analyzing the results of your WordPress.

Why is this a problem?

Because what you don't measure... you can't improve .

You also cannot make something that does not work or works poorly denmark telegram data take another course by taking the appropriate measures that your problem(s) require.

A feeling of doubt may be creeping into your mind right now…

«Milk, Jose is right. How can I know if things are going well or badly so I can take action if necessary?»

If you've reached this point... there's no doubt about it. This article is for you.

Let's start with the basics... Do you know or have you ever heard of Google Analytics ?

Table of Contents [ Hide ]

What is Google Analytics?
Can I use Google Analytics within my WordPress?
I want to integrate Google Analytics into my WordPress… what options do I have?
Install Google Analytics with Sumome
1# Installing Google Analytics on Sumome
2# Connect Sumome to your Google Analytics account
Install Google Analytics with Google Analytics by Monsterinsights
1# Install Google Analytics by Monsterinsights
2# Establish the connection between Monsterinsights and Google Analytics
What do you think about measuring the results of your business's website?
Do you prefer to do it within WordPress or externally?
What is Google Analytics?
Google Analytics is the free tool that Google provides to all of us who have a website, a blog or an online store to measure and analyze data related to our site.

Install Google Analytics in WordPress

Among this data, you can find some very interesting and useful ones for any type of business that has a presence on the Internet, such as:

1. Number of visits

2. Number of visitors

3. Bounce rate (percentage of users who visit the website, only view one page and leave)

4. Average time spent by visitors on the website

5. Average number of pages visited per session by users

6. Acquisition and behavior of visitors (where they come from and which are the most visited pages on your site or those that generate the most exits)

These are just a few basic examples of the wealth of information that Google Analytics can provide you with.

And always remember that information is power .

If you know where you are failing or what is working better for you, you can reject or enhance, for example, specific online marketing strategies or a particular social network.

I'll give you a real case: my own.

Analyzing the data from Google Analytics, I realized that the social network that generated the highest quality traffic and from which I was getting the most conversions from reader to subscriber was (and is) Twitter.

As a result, after seeing these results I decided that I had to get more out of it and promote this social network even more.

What did I do?

Train myself and acquire the Twitter for Bloggers course taught by two true experts such as Isa and Juanmi from Mas y Mejor , in which they teach you how to use Twitter in a professional manner to get quality traffic to your blog on autopilot.


In the first month after taking the course I managed to go from 40-50 subscribers per month to over 100 and improved all my blog traffic statistics.