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How to humanize your agency's image?

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 10:43 am
by jisansorkar8990
Humanizing your agency's image is an important task. The new market model demands increasingly humanized companies, and tourism is no different, so entrepreneurs, managers and, especially, marketing professionals need to understand this subject very well.

Having a humanized brand brings many benefits. Modern consumers do not feel comfortable interacting with robotic companies. What characterizes them this way is bureaucracy, as well as offering a cold and impersonal service, so it is important to understand what this humanization should look like.

Customers prefer to deal with brands that are close to them, that inspire trust and that present themselves in a friendly manner. These are organizations that demonstrate concern for people's needs, problems and goals.

These characteristics must be considered in your agency's brand management, so that it continues to attract new clients and deliver improvements to active clients.

To get an idea of ​​the importance of this work, according to a survey carried out in 2020, 25% of companies run the risk of losing 1% of their annual revenue if they do not respond to social problems and events that are important to their customers.

From this perspective, it is not difficult to understand the need to humanize a brand, as well as what your agency should consider to do so. This is exactly what we are going to talk about here, so if you have any questions, read our article until the end.

What is humanized marketing?
For any travel agency , it is important to get closer to customers and thus work on the brand image. One way to do this is to invest in humanized marketing.

This involves humanizing the company's processes so that it can connect with its customers. It became a trend when companies realized the importance of humanizing their processes.

With the growth of Digital Marketing, this need has strengthened, also considering that people express what they are looking for in organizations.

The modern consumer doesn't just want to buy a quality product, but to have a good experience from the first contact with an adhesive label distributor , for example, until the moment of purchase, hence the importance of being humanized.

This work depends on a good relationship with the consumer during all stages of the sales funnel, through the creation of content focused on their needs.

There is no single formula for implementing humanized marketing, so each company can do it its own way, as long as it is based on emotion, empathy and ethics.

An example of this is the personalized service that your travel agency can offer, which positively influences the purchasing decision.

One factor that supports this statement is that 61% of customers say that this type of service, regardless of the channel, is important to them.

Humanized companies have some characteristics in common that determine their success, so let's talk a little about them below. Stay tuned!

Outstanding characteristics of humanized companies
Companies that invest in personalized marketing, such as an event promoter , develop characteristics that make them stand out.

One of them is social responsibility , related to the commitment that the company makes to its employees, customers and society as a whole.

Examples of this are those that choose processes that do not affect the environment or that guarantee good working conditions for their employees.

Sustainable actions are noticed by people, and most are even willing to pay more for a product or service from a sustainably responsible organization.

Accessibility , that is, the brand leaves bureaucracy and inaccessibility aside and starts to adopt continuous and affective methods, as well as being able to show itself to be attentive to consumers' opinions .

Thus, a stand agency , for example, also responds satisfactorily to its customers, quickly resolves their problems and eliminates obstacles when it comes to meeting their requests.

But how to do this?
One way to do this is to adopt multiple digital channels, so it is essential that you create your website that offers instant messaging, email, and telephone applications.

These are companies that maintain constant communication with their customers and the general public. In this way, they build their authority in what they do, becoming closer and more transparent.

Communication is natural and educational, not persuasive or intrusive, simply focused on selling and increasing your customer base.

In the case of a travel agency, its methodologies are sustainable, with a view to generating business opportunities, but also informing, educating and delivering value to the market and customers.

Finally, they value personalized contact with customers, which truly understands their needs and solves their problems.

Now that you know what the characteristics of a humanized company are, such as an jordan mobile phone numbers database accounting services office in general , in the next topic, we will give you some tips for working on this marketing in your agency.

Tips to humanize your travel agency
Humanizing your company is a branding process, therefore, several actions and points of attention are considered.

Humanized marketing must be part of the organizational culture and complement it naturally, however, it is necessary to invest in some strategies for it to happen.

And among the best actions for this, we have:

Adopt your own style
Humanizing a brand means giving it a personality that will help it identify itself and set it apart from others. Hence the need to create your own style for your agency. This is related to tone of voice and other themes.

This is how a company that, for example, designs and improves processes becomes unique and becomes recognized as an organization that can be sought out in different situations, such as when a customer needs information.

Invest in storytelling
Storytelling is a great strategy to humanize the brand, as it brings an engaging narrative with real resources.

Your agency can make videos explaining how each travel package is prepared, all the care and attention that goes into creating an itinerary, or even tell a little about your story.

These are materials that make customers feel close to the company and position it as a consumer-friendly company. Storytelling means inspiring people and provoking their emotions.

Engage the public
Social media has changed in general, it is very important that from corporate gift suppliers , for example, to travel agencies interact with their customers and facilitate the sharing of different types of content, such as:

But it is also important to pay attention to what people say about your agency and respond to comments and suggestions. For example, on Facebook , instead of just liking the comment, respond to it in a personalized way.

Comments are perfect for interacting with customers in a humanized way, whether to answer a question or just to interact in a relaxed way.

This strategy is not just for small businesses, in fact, we see many famous companies around the world interacting with their customers.

Invest in non-invasive marketing
Non-invasive marketing strategies are those that show that your agency doesn't just want to sell, such as Inbound Marketing and Content Marketing.

Through them, your company can establish a solid relationship with customers, helping them solve a problem or clarifying their doubts. In the medium and long term, conversion rates improve.

Furthermore, all materials created are adapted to the characteristics of the persona, which personalizes them for your agency's audience.

Show the work team
When a customer calls a call center company in SP , for example, they speak to people, and when they show their work team, they generate trust, closeness and project an important human image for the organization.

It’s a good idea to identify the names of your agency’s employees so that consumers can see that they’re dealing with people just like them. One way to do this is to record interviews with your employees and show how they interact.

Identify values ​​to be changed
Your agency, like an auto insurance company , should be humanized from the inside out. A good way to do this is to connect with your employees and create a pleasant work environment.

This makes the team feel more motivated and realizes that they have a leader who is present. People know that they have someone they can count on. Thus, the agency’s humanization starts from the inside out, which highlights its values.

Being a humanized company means having characteristics that allow you to deal with people. This is important because your agency sells a product that often represents someone's dream.

There’s nothing better than finding an empathetic team that understands your needs and delivers a suitable solution. A humanized travel agency is capable of this and much more.

In this article, you learned the importance of this work and how to put it into practice. Over time, you will achieve great results and ensure the satisfaction of your customers.