Reasons why an email ends up in the spam folder

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Reasons why an email ends up in the spam folder

Post by pappu6327 »

Your subscribers' consent to receive your emails is of considerable importance for the deliverability of your emails . In fact, since May 2018 and following the misuse of Facebook users' private data, the General Data Protection Regulation has been voted in Europe .

This regulation applies to any company that decides to use a person's data in order to contact them and sell them their services or products. Before sending your campaigns to your contacts, make sure that you comply with the GDPR and that you have their permission to contact them . If you use databases purchased on the Internet or collected illegally, you will be considered an abuser and will constantly fall into spam.

The authenticity and identity of your sending domain
The authenticity and identity of your sending domain is an important parameter if you have a private domain. To certify the identity of your sending domain and prove that you are a trustworthy sender, it is important to configure DKIM records in your domain host settings . The DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) record helps fight spoofing by adding a kind of digital signature to the header of your emails, which will be verified by ISPs.

The content of your emails
The content of your emails plays a key role in analyzing your trustworthiness, as the words they contain will be analyzed by ISPs based on a list of so-called “spam” words . So think about the vocabulary you use, and balance images, links and text. Avoid using symbols, capital letters or words that refer to mortgages, etc.

Speed ​​and frequency
The frequency and speed of sending your emails from your email azerbaijan telegram phone numbers marketing software is one of the factors that will determine your reputation . If your email is designed to be sent monthly, send one a month; if you want to create weekly campaigns, send your campaigns once a week. But don't start sending your subscribers massive and continuous mailings.

Not only will your subscribers feel bombarded and lose their interest, but this method will also make your subscribers distrustful and could lower your sending reputation . Keep in mind that your sending reputation determines whether an email will be accepted or completely rejected (“deferred”) by ISPs (Gmail, Yahoo, etc…).

Some providers will accept your emails without any problems for months, but according to statistics collected by our support team, emails that have been previously accepted by these same providers can sometimes end up in the spam folder without any valid explanation.

Benchmark Email has developed tools and tips to help you avoid the spam folder, so feel free to use them and check out the FAQs and articles dedicated to the solutions proposed above.

If you want to continue learning about this topic, here is this article: The 5 factors that determine deliverability.
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