Do you have any criteria for which accounts to follow on Instagram?
We already know how successful Instagram is, it is on everyone's lips, there are constant new developments and the growth is exponential.
In the same way, the need, or rather, the stubbornness of some to have the largest possible community is becoming more and more evident, gaining followers no matter what, using whatever means and leaving ethics aside.
Thank goodness it seems that brands are realizing that having followers for the sake of it is absurd and that in the end what counts is having a healthy, active community that contributes to you.
The important thing on Instagram is to create accounts that offer the user what they are looking for.
For this reason, micro-influencers are having more and more impact , given that their hiring is cheaper and the results are much better, in general terms and being very generic.
Having Instagram accounts just for the sake of it is absurd. I mean, having a bot to follow “x” accounts a day and then unfollow them isn’t going to get you much, but it’s up to each person.
For me, what does an Instagram account have to have for me to follow it?:
Content related to my tastes.
Quality content and good treatment.
Good use of stories.
Simplicity and humanity in equal parts.
Although these seem like three fairly common features, don't think they are easy to find.
Sometimes on Instagram - on most social networks - we become complacent and focus on “what's easy.”
That said, I would like to introduce you to three profiles that for me, I repeat for me, are a reference within this social network .
And why are they a reference for me?
Well, you see, despite not having 1 million followers or being extra super famous, email list providers in france they do things well, no, very well.
Basically, the points I mentioned before, but they also have a clear strategy and very defined guidelines that have increased their visibility with this social network and, therefore, they have benefited from it.
Let's get down to business.
3 accounts to follow on Instagram right now
1.- Fernando Cebolla - @fernandocebolla
Accounts to follow on Instagram - Fernando Cebolla
This natural and fun-loving man from Zaragoza has an account that stands out for the panoramic views he uploads of his hometown, Zaragoza.
His photos have a special perspective, bringing out the best in each snapshot.
And, if that weren't enough, he has two more accounts, one called "soyelcapas", focused on black and white photographs, and the other called "vinylpunkrock", a corner for lovers of rock music on vinyl, nothing less.
I have contacted Fernando to ask him some questions and to clarify things for us, this is the mini interview.
What has Instagram brought you?
Instagram was originally its own entertainment channel and it still is.
I only upload photos, if I didn't have fun, I wouldn't use it.
I always take a lot of photos when I travel, and I thought why not use them for Instagram.
Accounts to follow on Instagram: interview with the protagonists
- Posts: 83
- Joined: Mon Dec 23, 2024 3:42 am