How to produce content on Instagram according to the Sales Funnel

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How to produce content on Instagram according to the Sales Funnel

Post by shanti65 »

From learning to offering, learn how to produce content on Instagram for all stages of the Funnel.
Producing content on Instagram can be quite a challenging task. After all, the algorithm is constantly changing and, with so much information available on the internet, it is increasingly difficult to bring new and relevant information.

Just like any Digital Marketing strategy, content production on Instagram needs to serve a purpose. Therefore, much more than following trends and trying to go viral, it is essential that you think about your content according to the Sales Funnel .

This way, your brand will be able to impact potential canada phone number example customers from the consideration stage to the actual call to action.

But how do you produce content on Instagram according to the Sales Funnel? Take note of these tips!

1. Learning and Discovery Stage
At the top of the sales funnel , the goal is to attract the attention of your target audience and raise awareness of the benefits and pains that your product or service can bring or help solve.

The tip here is to work on informative and educational content , putting your “finger on the wound” of your personas.

If your company sells CRM software, for example, this content can show the time and money wasted due to a lack of lead organization.

Use Reels to achieve greater reach and use objective and easy-to-understand language.

2. Solution Consideration Stage
At this stage, users are actively exploring solutions to their needs and showing interest in learning more about your brand. After all, this is when they start comparing companies to make a purchasing decision.

Your job is to show people why they should choose you over your competitors. Show the differences in your products and services, certifications , and expertise .

Customer testimonials and reviews are great for building authority, trust and credibility!

3. Purchase Decision Stage
Now that users are ready to make a purchase decision , it’s time to call them to action. Use Stories to provide purchase links, start conversations on WhatsApp, and promote promotions and launches.
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