While I was writing ' How to attract new audiences and make those who already know you fall in love with you ', I was thinking about what would be the most appropriate way to measure it.
In the post I gave some hints about the metrics to monitor to know if we are attracting a new audience. This part is more or less easy. But I wanted to go a step further. How do I measure the contribution of this traffic in the awareness stage to the final conversion?
Looking for inspiration, I went into my Pocket and found a Friday whiteboard by Rand Fishkin (Moz) , which talked about the same topic. So I'm going to try to combine both visions.
Before starting to talk about how to indonesian phone number measure it, it is necessary to understand the difficulty in relating the results of these actions with the final conversions .
These are actions that are carried out to make something known (brand or product), but they are not oriented towards direct sales. Their effect on sales can occur days, weeks and even months later, depending on the product we are marketing.
Logically, the closer they are to the branding, the greater the distance from the conversion, and therefore the greater the difficulty in measuring their influence on the final conversion. To finish explaining it, nothing better than an example. In the image you see below, I have put an example of actions by stage of the purchase funnel and by type of media (using a Moz
funnel design as a base , to follow the same methodology).
purchase funnel strategy by stage - tristan elosegui
Purchase funnel: strategy by stage
As you can see, the actions of the awareness stage are difficult to 'tie' to the final conversion, since neither the action has that objective, nor the conversion occurs immediately (it can take months):
Paid media : Pure brand campaigns (does not talk about the product specifically, just the brand). They click (may or may not be a new visit), but they do not convert, because the goal is for them to see something, not buy it.
Owned media : generic content (conversions after reading the post will be few or none. So, how to quantify the effect of that post on a future conversion? How to link reading the post with the final conversion?), social media (posts that are not directly related to the sale of the product),…
Earned media : PR, attending conferences, giving lectures, informal meetings with people in the sector,… how do we know which one influenced the final conversion?
How do we measure final conversions?
Since there is no way to directly relate the action to the final conversion, we have to try to isolate its effects in order to attribute the conversions (we can try to find out by surveying each new customer, but many times this option is not possible to apply to 100% of customers). Let's see how:
Segmenting by profile of the acquired client , geographic area, type of product, moment in which we carried out this action,… if, for example, you gave conferences in Seville (as the only specific action in that city), and the number of clients in Seville increased, it means that those conversions are probably related to the conference.
Isolating the effect of actions: promoting a specific product, only through one channel. E.g. PR only for product A and see if sales increase.
Investing in a certain period of time
But this does not allow us to measure correctly, because the effect is medium-term and we will not know how to unite action with effect.
With these three ways of isolating the effect, we will measure traffic, conversions, mentions, links, etc. segmenting by geographic area, channel or time period.
And once isolated, we find an extra difficulty, we have to try to define if it co