Be proactive . Don't wait for your prospect to click a button: start chatting before your visitors decide they want to talk. Move forward every time they abandon their cart or are about to leave a website. To do this, you can set up a custom proactive chat invitation on every page to encourage customers to start a conversation with your support team.
Nurture prospects in real time . As a rule of thumb, response time is germany phone number important when it comes to customer retention. Live chat also allows your customers to multitask: browse your website while a support agent prepares to speak. Additionally, you can set business hours so your agents can respond to customers' needs at any time. Overall, 44% of customers appreciate a real-time conversation with a qualified live representative.

Customize your live chat interface . Nobody expects to talk to a nameless expert in an ordinary chatbox. It's time to show your creativity: tweak the colors of your live chat widget to match your brand identity, add pictures of the customer support team for a real human connection, and customize the messages to match your communication style.
#2 Improve the skills of your customer support team
Customer Service, Skills, Jobs
Source: The Balance Careers
Aside from choosing the best help desk tool for your projects, you should pay attention to your team. Who can imagine being a successful customer support representative without strong soft skills? A help desk specialist should acquire a set of essential skills to best meet the needs of customers:
Patience and empathy . Negative feedback happens, and there's no way to get rid of it for good. However, you can use it instead. By addressing your customers' complaints, you show respect and commitment. Mention your customer's name, thank them, express your understanding of the concern, and say you'll do your best to resolve the issue. With a little effort, you can build your business a reputation as one that cares, which will positively impact your growth potential. It's that simple!