The simple theme or the default theme

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The simple theme or the default theme

Post by AnamikaSA60 »

But as said it is not possible to edit the domain or delete the store altogether. I have a question Why is it necessary to have several stores If you are promoting through different channels you can create a store for each of these channels to finally track the amount of sales from each platform. In this way you no longer need to have different accounts. Landings By entering the landings section you can have a selection of products on one page and use it for different occasions or promotions according to your needs.

For example you can have items of mens sports shoes under thousand tomans philippine phone number lookup on one page or for different occasions such as Mothers Day you can handpick womens products from different categories accessories bags shoes clothes etc. and place them on one page. give To do this go to the following address and go through the mentioned steps Links Landings By entering the landings section you will see the following page As you can see in the picture in this section you can see the list of landings that you have already created. do.


You can also search for the landing you want by entering the store and landing title. Click the Add New Landing button to create a new landing.Select your store address in the store section. The landing page you create will be the subdomain of your store. Write a Persian title for your landing page in the landing page. This title will be displayed at the top of the product page. The landing url is an English title that will be added to the end of the address. The words you enter in this field must be separated by .
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