Set preload time and hover delay

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Set preload time and hover delay

Post by shaownhasane »

Set the maximum number of requests per second
Next, you can check the "Preload on hover only" box. This way the link will only be preloaded when the user hovers over it and the page will be preloaded before clicking.

This technology makes loading times tongliao phone number feel almost instantaneous, as there is a 400 millisecond delay between the user moving the mouse over a link and clicking it.

You can also set a "hover delay". This is the amount of time that elapses after the user hovers over the link before preloading begins.

Below is a list of keywords that the plugin will ignore when preloading.

These are standard login pages and image files. You can leave the list as is or add more keywords if needed.

Set keywords to ignore when preloading
If you run an online store, we recommend adding pages like /cart and other dynamic pages to this list so they are not preloaded.

Likewise, if you use an affiliate marketing plugin like ThirstyAffiliates or PrettyLinks, it’s important to add an affiliate prefix like /refer/ or /go/ to your list of keywords to ignore. Failure to do so may result in your affiliate link tracking being broken.

The last option is to disable admin preloading.

Overall, this will help reduce the server load on your website. If you only want to preload site visitors who are not registered administrators, just check the box.

Disable admin preloading and save
When finished, click the "Save Changes" button at the bottom of the page.
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