Why will hybrid learning become the future of corporate training?

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Why will hybrid learning become the future of corporate training?

Post by sathi818 »

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we are experiencing the acceleration of the internet in the most diverse areas, the increase in artificial intelligence, virtual reality and even the 5G system, have advanced by leaps and bounds with social isolation.

With this, we discovered new ways of studying and working, some researchers call it “physital” in Portuguese, which we call a hybrid learning or work system. The hybrid system combines the in-person methodology with online learning tools, facilitating access to content and enhancing learning.

With the evolution of technology, it is natural that corporate jordan email list education also gains tools that assist in the professional development of employees. Learning paths empower teams, optimize processes and are already considered an indispensable agent in training.

Want to know how to implement a hybrid model in your company? Keep reading!

Why is hybrid learning the future of corporate training?
Corporate training is essential for the smooth running of a company. It contributes to an aligned team, as it can contribute to the development of skills that will increase productivity and optimize working time. However, today it is not enough to just invest in face-to-face training, especially because we are living in a digital age.

There are similarities between face-to-face and digital teaching, for example, synchronous and asynchronous content, which allows access to the material according to the pace of each employee, in addition to providing feedback.

Investing in hybrid education can address issues that affect many companies, such as:

Professional development;
Debureaucratization and democratization of education;
Cost reduction;
Increased revenue.
For these reasons, hybrid learning will become the future of training, or rather, it is already present, in addition to which, the new generations are digital natives and know the world with technology and the internet.


But how do we implement a hybrid learning model for all generations?
If you started working before the internet became popular, you remember how meetings and training sessions took place, all in person.

However, we cannot deny the advantages of that era, but it is not possible to go back in time. Therefore, it is important to implement a hybrid teaching model that serves all generations, from Baby Boomers to Generation Z.

Training should be separated, for example, which activities should be carried out in person so that employees can benefit more. In the case of feedback, we suggest that it be carried out face to face, this will help the employee develop a sense of belonging.

Satisfaction surveys can be carried out using online forms, which means that data analysis will be more accurate. Here are some tasks that can be performed by the company:

Review the values;
Implement a feedback culture;
Designate mentors;
Redesign the office space.
The points above will help you connect with each person's needs, integrating needs and potential.

When we talk about leading Generation Z, those born after 1995, we need to consider that they take the following points into account:

Financial incentives;
Mental health;
Division of tasks into managerial parts;
Innovative and technological learning.
Furthermore, training programs should focus on meetings that combine physical and virtual presence, as in a post-pandemic world we have more technologies that allow contact between teams without them being in the same physical space.

We have digital tools that will enhance your company's corporate training, with learning systems that place the employee as the holder of knowledge, which is essential for autonomy and a successful team.
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