What is a website sales funnel system?

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What is a website sales funnel system?

Post by pappu6329 »

Do you remember that when I published my statistics report last November, I told you that I had already scheduled two interviews?

One of them, by Laura López , was published as the last post of 2015 (the one I promised you was related to graphic design).

Today I bring you the second one, which is made by a real online marketing expert and, without a doubt, I would say that he is the benchmark par excellence in Spain both for online business and blogging.

This is none other than Franck Scipion , the person behind lifestylealcuadrado.com , a blog that helps you create and transform your blog into your way of life.

Creating a blog that matters, getting more readers, building loyalty, generating conversations with them and selling your services and products are the initial premises on which all the content you can find on Franck's blog is based.

Interesting, right?

Lifestylealcuadrado.com - Franck Scipion's blog

As I said, for me (and for many people), Franck is a true denmark telegram lead reference in the online world.

Proof of this is the impressive data on your blog, which supports what I say…

Lifestylealcuadrado.com has more than 40,000 subscribers and more than 38,000 followers on its different social media profiles (Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and YouTube).

This is why this is a very special interview for me and I recommend that you keep reading, as I am sure that you will find very useful and interesting information in it if you have or are thinking of setting up a business on the Internet.

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I doubt that anyone doesn't know about you yet. But just in case... tell us briefly who Franck Scipion is and what he does.
In what year did you start your activity on the Internet and what circumstances and reasons led you to have an online presence and implement your business model through these digital media?
What have you achieved in all this time thanks to your website in terms of number of subscribers, followers on social networks, annual/monthly economic benefits, professional reputation or increase in staff in your business?
What techniques have you used over the years to become a benchmark in the world of online business and to create such a huge community?
Is your business model entirely online through your blog? What is your day-to-day life like?
I must say that I have been a subscriber of yours for a long time and I found something you call “The sales funnel system of a website” very interesting at the time (and I still do, since I try to put it into practice every day). Can you tell us exactly what this is, what it consists of and how to put this sales system into practice through the Internet and a website?
How long does it take to see results, and how much time do you have to spend on average each day working on both this sales funnel system and your online presence to achieve the goals or benefits you set?
Is this system valid for any type of business that has or is thinking of having an online presence? Can anyone put it into practice?
Apart from this system that we have talked about… What other techniques or good practices do you recommend to anyone who wants to grow their business through the Internet?
How much importance do you give to the following elements of a website in your online strategy? Blog and content marketing, email marketing and subscriber lists, social media and SEO.
How important do you think it is to have a more professional and personalized web design compared to other options such as “build your website with 1&1”, leaving your online presence in the hands of an amateur or an acquaintance, or similar options?
What personal projects do you currently have underway and what others do you have in mind for the future?
To conclude, I like my interviewees to leave a message, a phrase, a philosophy or a thought that they keep in mind every day in their work and in their online business. What is yours?
I doubt that anyone doesn't know about you yet. But just in case... tell us briefly who Franck Scipion is and what he does.
Franck Scipion is an aeronautical engineer by training with an MBA under his belt who has worked in almost everything: consultant, entrepreneur (I'm already on my third project) and freelance.

Come on, you could say I'm an all-rounder. Even so, most of you will know me from Lifestyle Al Cuadrado , a project in which I develop everything that has to do with cloud projects (strategy, marketing, sales, platforms, editorial content, etc.).

In short, I help other projects evolve, specialize and find a way to create a scalable business model.

In what year did you start your activity on the Internet and what circumstances and reasons led you to have an online presence and implement your business model through these digital media?
I started in the world of the Internet quite a few years ago, exactly in 2000. Although now we all believe that we are in the entrepreneurial bubble, in the year 2000 we were also more or less the same.
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