The Buffalo Hydraulic Association

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The Buffalo Hydraulic Association

Post by munnaf642349 »

To install this plugin, you need to upload the xmlrpc directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory while installing WordPress.
You can activate the plugin by going through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
At this stage, your xmlrpc is disabled.
Remove & Disable XML-RPC Pingback
You don't have to fall victim to pingback denial of service attacks. Once you have activated the plugin, xml-rpc is automatically disabled. The best thing about this plugin is that you don't have to configure anything. By disabling xmlrpc pingback, you will be able to reduce the CPU usage of the server.

wordpress XMLRPC pingback attack

Install the plugin using the WordPress dashboard –

In the plugins panel, you need smssouthafrica to navigate to 'Add New'.
This is where you should look for 'Remove XMLRPC Ping Return Ping'.
At this stage, you need to press 'Install Now'.
Now, you need to activate the plugin in the plugins panel.
Upload to WordPress Dashboard –

In the plugins panel, you need to navigate to 'Add New'.
Go to the loading area.
This is where you need to select remove-xmlrpc-ping.compress from your laptop/computer.
You need to press 'Install Now'.
Now, you need to activate the plugin in the plugins panel.
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