What is WordPress XMLRPC?

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What is WordPress XMLRPC?

Post by munnaf642349 »

Used primarily in legal settings, a trite law describes any rule or law that is so common that almost everyone knows it.

Example: The almost automatic response of stopping at a red light reveals that this traffic rule is a well-worn law.

In Literature
From William Makepeace Thackeray's Vanity Fair:

But though he had a fine flow of words, and delivered his little voice with great pomp and self-pleasure, and never advanced any sentiment or opinion that was not perfectly trite and stale, and smart numbers list supported by a Latin quotation; yet he somehow failed, in spite of a mediocrity that should have assured any man a success.

Here Thackeray's tone is ironic as he describes an orator who enthusiastically propounds hackneyed phrases. Although, according to him, "mediocrity" and safe, easy-to-understand phrases generally lead to popularity, his character, Mr. Pitt Crawley, is never so lucky.

Trivial has little knowledge
Try as you can, you do not inspire with the trivial
the Labels
Obsolescence, Criticism, Prosaic, Legal

Bring out the linguist in you! What is your own interpretation of trite. Did you use trite in a game? Provide an example sentence or literary quote.
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